No more scrap paper...

Chocolate cream biscuits



Some words: These are mum's chocolate forcer biscuits. She made them only occasionally as a treat and we totally devoured them. My forcer bugged out mid verification testing, so I made a sausage out of the rest of the mix and sliced them up with a really thin blade. This has been updated on the date above as the cup measures are ambiguous. Mum used to use an old style tea cup so I tried with this today. They turned out much better, so an update August 2021 removing the ambiguity in quantity... you know baking and science n stuff?

Added: 16th August, 2021

Credit: Yvonne

Chocolate cream biscuits


250g flour
100g butter
175g sugar
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp bi carb soda
1 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp cocoa
1 egg


  1. Set oven to moderate 180ºc
  2. Grease baking sheet or cover with baking paper
  3. Cream butter and sugar
  4. Beat in egg
  5. Add sifted dry ingredients and beat with flat beater until forms a dough
  6. Roll out and cut with cookie cutter or push into biscuit forcer
  7. Bake in moderate oven for 12-15 minutes until cooked
  8. Cool on cooling rack and join with chocolate icing once cooled

Created by Ed Winchester test kitchen, © 2021